Due to rush off the machine

Friday, August 27, 2010

Whereas these bad habits have a negative impact on future

One of the bad habits of drivers were in a hurry turn off vehicle engines when parked vehicles. Whereas these bad habits have a negative impact in the future. Consider the following description:

* We do not directly turn off the machine to the off position and contact-Geber menggeber gas. This is very influential in the engine lubrication. When high speed machines require better lubrication. But because it directly off although there was still some oil on the wall of boring (home-cylinder), lubrication be reduced. If the machine will often be worn or broken.

* The machine is turned off immediately after digeber at high speeds are less precise manner. Since that time the kitchen had just worked hard runways of the journey. In the state of high temperature engines, of the components in it are still in bloom, if it suddenly turned off it will damage the cylinder wall.

* In addition, the machine is required to do continuous high speed must be experiencing stress. This condition makes the machine state is not stable.

* Habits turn off the engine suddenly after driving at high speed can cause rapid wear of piston rings. Further spread to the decrease in compression so that workers become hard.

* To turn off the engine when it let stand a few moments until iddling spin machine really in a state of stationary. After that turn the ignition key to the off position.


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